1. 国家自然科学青年基金“ABA介导乙烯响应因子CoERF20调控油茶花粉管程序性死亡的机理研究”,2024-2026,主持,在研;
2. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目“油茶CoDWF5介导甾醇合成调控油茶抗旱能力的机制研究”,2023-2025,主持,在研;
3. 湖南省林业科技攻关与创新资金项目“油茶耐低磷机理与栽培调控技术研究”,2023-2025,主持,在研;
4. 中南林业科技大学引进人才科研启动基金项目“油茶自交不亲和性的生理响应机制研究”,2021-2024,主持,在研;
5. 湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目“油茶CoMPK9在ABA介导花粉管程序性死亡中的作用研究”,2021-2023,主持,结题;
1. 大果型高产油茶新品种的选育与推广应用,湖南省科技进步奖一等奖,湖南省人民政府,2020年,排名第十一;
2. 油茶林地土壤肥力演变机制与调控,梁希科学技术奖-自然科学奖二等奖,国家林草局、中国林学会,2021年,排名第二;
3. 湖南省优秀博士学位论文,湖南省教育厅,2022.
1. Lu Mengqi, Zhou Junqin*, Liu Yiyao, Yang Jin, Tan Xiaofeng*. CoNPR1 and CoNPR3.1 are involved in SA- and MeSAmediated growth of the pollen tube in Camellia oleifera[J]. Physiologia Plantarum, 2021, 172(4): 2181-2190. DOI:10.1111/ppl.13410 (SCI二区,IF 5.081)
2. Lu Mengqi, Zhou Junqin*, Jiang Sisi, Zeng Yanling, Li Chang, Tan Xiaofeng *. The fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins of Camellia oil tree are involved in pollen tube growth[J]. Plant Science, 2023, 326: 111518. DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2022.111518. (SCI二区,IF 5.363)
3. Li Chang#, Long Yi#, Lu Mengqi, Zhou Junqin*, Wang Sen, Xu Yan and Tan Xiaofeng*. Gene coexpression analysis reveals key pathways and hub genes related to late-acting self-incompatibility in Camellia oleifera [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:1065872. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1065872 (SCI二区,IF 6.627)
4. Yang Liying#, Gu Yiyang#, Zhou Junqin*, Yuan Ping, Jiang Nan, Wu Zelong, Tan Xiaofeng*. Whole‐Genome Identification and Analysis of Multiple Gene Families Reveal Candidate Genes for Theasaponin Biosynthesis in Camellia oleifera[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(12): 6393. DOI:10.3390/ijms23126393. (SCI二区,IF 6.208)
5. Li Chang #, Lu Mengqi#, Zhou Junqin*, Wang Sen, Long Yi, Xu Yan, Tan Xiaofeng*. Transcriptome analysis of the late-acting self-incompatibility associated with RNase T2 family in Camellia oleifera[J]. Plants-Basel, 2023,12(10) DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12101932。(SCI二区,IF 4.658)
6. Zhou Junqin, Liu Yiyao, Chen Ming, Tan Xiaofeng, Yuan Jun*. Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of Camellia oleifera seedling roots treated with different nitrogen forms[J]. Plant Growth Regulation, 2022: 1-13. DOI:10.1007/s10725-022-00896-9. (SCI三区,IF 3.242)
7. Liu Yiyao, Zhou Junqin*, Lu Mengqi, Yang Jin, Tan Xiaofeng*. The Core Jasmonic Acid-Signalling Module CoCOI1/CoJAZ1/CoMYC2 Are Involved in Jas Mediated Growth of the Pollen Tube in Camellia oleifera[J]. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 2022, 44(11): 5405-5415. DOI:10.3390/cimb44110366. (SCI四区,IF 2.976)
8. 蒋思思, 袁军, 周文君, 钮根花, 周俊琴*. 薄壳山核桃(Carya illinoinensis)叶绿体基因组及其特征分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2022, 49(8):13. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0389. (重要期刊)
9. 王艺颖, 袁军, 谭晓风, 卢梦琪, 周奥, 周俊琴*. 油茶 SOD 基因克隆及不同授粉处理下的表达分析[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 植物遗传资源学报, 2023, 24(1):226-236.
10. 姚亚轩,袁军,卢梦琪,彭邵锋,王婷,谭晓风,周俊琴*. 油茶PODs基因鉴定及在自交和异交下的表达分析[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2023, 24(5):1472-1484.