(1) 2021-2023,国家自然科学基金青年项目,42007097,水稻土有机碳矿化过程对水分和铁氧化物的响应机制,24万,主持,在研;
(2) 2021-2023,湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2021JJ30766,水稻残根甲烷排放的激发效应及其对铁氧化物的响应机制,5万,主持,在研;
(3) 2023-01 至 2025-12,湖南省教育厅青年项目,22B0264,油茶林间种豆科和非豆科植物的固碳效应及其微生物机制,6万,主持,在研。
(1) Li Y, Zhu Z*, Wei X, Kuzyakov Y, Li B, Kim PJ, Wu J, Liu S*, Ge T. Sources and intensity of CH4 production in paddy soils depend on iron oxides and microbial biomass. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2022, 58, 181–191. (中科院I区,IF 6.605)
(2) Zhu Z, Fang Y, Liang Y, Li Y, Liu S, Li Y, Li B, Gao W, Yuan H, Kuzyakov Y, Wu J, Richter A, Ge T*. Stoichiometric regulation of priming effects and soil carbon balance by microbial life strategies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 169, 108669. (中科院I区,IF 8.546)
(3) Wei X, Fan L, Li Y*, Wang W, Zhu Z, Zhran M, Shen J, Kim PJ, Wu J, Ge T, Dorodnikov M. Subsurface methane dynamics of a paddy field under long-term fertilization: 13C-evidence from in-situ belowground labeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 325, 129285. (中科院I区,IF 11.072)
(4) Li Y, Shahbaz M, Zhu Z, Deng Y, Tong Y, Chen L, Wu J, Ge T*. Oxygen availability determines key regulators in soil organic carbon mineralisation in paddy soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 153, 108106. (高被引,中科院I区,IF 8.546)
(5) Wang Y, Shahbaz M, Zhran M*, Chen A, Zhu Z, Galal YGM, Ge T, Li Y*. Microbial resource limitation in aggregates in karst and non-karst soils. Agronomy, 2021, 11(8), 1591. (中科院II区,IF 3.949)
(6) Li Y, Shahbaz M, Zhu Z*, Chen A, Nannipieri P, Li B, Deng Y, Wu J, Ge T. Contrasting response of organic carbon mineralisation to iron oxides addition under conditions of low and high microbial biomass in anoxic paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2021, 57, 117–129. (中科院I区,IF 6.605)
(7) Li Y*, Jones DL, Chen Q, Ge T, Chadwick DR. Acidification and anaerobic digestion change the phosphorus forms and distribution in particle fractions of cattle slurry and phosphorus dynamics in soil after application. Biosystems Engineering, 2020, 200, 101-111. (中科院I区,IF 5.002)
(8) Li Y*, Jones DL, Chen Q, Chadwick DR. Slurry acidification and anaerobic digestion affects the speciation and vertical movement of particulate and nanoparticulate phosphorus in soil after cattle slurry application. Soil and Tillage Research, 2019, 189, 199-206. (中科院I区,IF 7.366) v
(9) 王云秋, 李宇虹*, 祝贞科, 吴金水, 葛体达. 铁氧化物对厌氧水稻土中乙酸矿化、转化及其激发效应的影响. 土壤学报, 2022, 59(6), 1683-1694.
(10) 刘琪, 李宇虹*, 李哲, 魏晓梦, 祝贞科, 吴金水, 葛体达. 不同水分条件和微生物生物量水平下水稻土有机碳矿化及其影响因子特征. 环境科学, 2021, 42(5), 348-356.