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姜小龙 副教授


姜小龙 副教授(博士)硕士生导师






湖南省教育厅重点研究项目 2022.01-2024.12 主持;

湖南省自然科学基金青年基金 2022.01-2024.12 主持;

中南林业科技大学人才启动项目 2021.06-2025.06 主持;

国家自然科学基金青年基金 2018.01-2020.12 主持;

上海市绿化和市容管理局科技攻关 2018.01-2020.12 主持;

上海市绿化和市容管理局科技攻关 2016.01-2019.12 主持;

上海市绿化和市容管理局科技攻关 2015.01-2017.12 主持。


Jiang, X. L., Su, Z. H., Xu, G. B., Deng, M# (2021). Genomic signals reveal past evolutionary dynamics of Quercus schottkyana and its response to future climate change. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 59: 985-997

Jiang, X. L., Hipp, A. L., Deng, M.#, Su, T., Zhou, Z. K., & Yan, M. X. (2019). East Asian origins of European holly oaks (Quercus section Ilex Loudon) via the Tibet‐Himalaya. Journal of Biogeography, 46(10), 2203-2214.

Jiang, X. L., Gardner, E. M., Meng, H. H., Deng, M.#, & Xu, G. B.# (2019). Land bridges in the Pleistocene contributed to flora assembly on the continental islands of South China: Insights from the evolutionary history of Quercus championii. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 132, 36-45.

Jiang, X. L., Xu, G.#, Deng, M.# (2019). Spatial Genetic Patterns and Distribution Dynamics of the Rare Oak Quercus chungii: Implications for Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast China. Forests, 10(9), 821.

Jiang, X. L., An, M., Zheng, S. S., Deng, M.#, & Su, Z. H. (2018). Geographical isolation and environmental heterogeneity contribute to the spatial genetic patterns of Quercus kerrii (Fagaceae). Heredity, 120(3), 219-233.

Jiang, X. L., Deng, M.#, & Li, Y. (2016). Evolutionary history of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan Plateau and adjacent areas: an insight from Quercus schottkyana (Fagaceae). Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12(6), 104.